Review Blitz Leaderboard

This is the leaderboard for the latest Thousand Roads Review Blitz.

Reviewer Points Reviews written Chapters reviewed Heat bonus Words written
Spiteful Murkrow 239.00 85 136 1.0 177768
Ambyssin 169.00 24 101 0.5 29857
StolenMadWolf 133.75 33 80 2.0 26437
System Error 128.75 21 79 2.0 24463
windskull 106.50 26 60 0.5 17222
Arukona 88.25 8 59 1.5 22796
Negrek 78.00 19 66 1.0 15541
SparklingEspeon 70.50 11 88 0.0 13451
Nekodatta 68.50 22 37 0.0 12131
Inyssa 52.75 22 33 3.0 11575
JFought 51.00 9 34 3.0 10010
Chibi Pika 47.75 9 31 1.0 8877
Flyg0n 47.00 8 28 1.0 11999
ShiniGojira 45.00 10 27 2.5 8920
NebulaDreams 45.00 21 25 0.5 9993
Namohysip 39.25 11 24 0.0 6089
Dragonfree 33.75 20 20 0.0 13868
K_S 25.50 17 17 2.0 8338
unrepentantAuthor 25.50 5 27 2.0 4735
Venia Silente 24.25 11 11 0.5 12171
Umbramatic 22.50 10 10 0.5 2878
tomatorade 19.00 8 11 0.0 7544
canisaries 18.00 7 9 0.0 3337
WildBoots 17.50 8 13 0.0 12695
Phoenixsong 15.25 6 9 0.0 4017
Blackjack Gabbiani 9.00 5 6 0.0 1853
icomeanon6 8.25 2 4 0.0 1284
Rusting Knight 8.00 2 8 0.0 1522
Shiny Phantump 7.00 1 4 0.5 1050
Starlight Aurate 6.75 3 4 0.0 1438
Virgil134 4.75 1 2 0.0 676
Kiba Makuro 2.50 1 1 0.0 415
CuteBunnyGirl 2.50 1 1 1.0 287
Akasura Shirone 2.00 1 1 0.0 368
love 1.50 1 3 0.0 376